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The main mechanism of how this works is commonly referred to as the law of attraction. This law is always at work, and it doesn't matter if you believe it or are even aware of it. It's just like gravity. Someone who was never educated and is ignorant (in the best sense of the word) of the laws of gravity is still affected by those laws. If they jump off the top of a building, they will fall regardless of their level of knowledge and belief.
As you can see, the law of attraction can bring unpleasant things into your life; however, we are talking about how to attract abundance. This is the good stuff! Here's what it comes down to...you are already attracting what you have, so you may as well do it in a way that brings more of the things you really want.
The first thing you need to realize is that there is more than enough for everybody to have abundance. Sadly, some people get jealous or angry when they see wealthy people. Anybody who thinks that way will not be able to attract abundance. Take a close look at your attitudes about wealth and other things that you want. If you find that you have negative feelings about other people who have those things, then you need to change your feelings.
Do you think you could have $1,000,000 within three months? If you don't think it's possible, then you are right. But if you think it's at possible, then there is a chance of success. Belief determines what you receive. It may take practice, but the more you believe that you can get what you want, the sooner you will get it. On the same note, you need to ferret out and change any hidden beliefs that may be holding you back.
Not only can you attract abundance, but you can attract more and more of it by showing gratitude. Being thankful for the things you have shows that you are ready for more. You can show gratitude by taking good care of what you have and being a good steward. Another way of showing gratitude is through generosity. Being generous proves that you believe that you have more than enough, and that there is more than enough for everybody.
As you can see, it's entirely possible to attract abundance into your life. Forget the naysayers who are always critical but never successful. The life you want is waiting for you...all you need to do is start taking steps in the right direction.
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